Thursday, June 30, 2016

On 30th June Thursday, it was Nathan's 11th birthday!!

In the morning we sang him happy birthday and wished him good luck for the future.

After break 1 Nathan's Aunty dropped a colossal basket of delicious fruits for Room 26 to eat.

Before Break 2 started, Miss Lee handed out some fruits for us to eat. Some of the students  also got to see Nathan opening his gift from Miss Jacinta and reading his card from Rasleen. Miss Jacinta gave him a book about Wiggles.

After break 2 we took a normal photo and a silly photo with Nathan. Here is our favourite photo we would love to share with you.

By Khushdeep and Rasleen.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Room 26 has been doing the calk walk to fundraise for the year 6 camp. Cake walk is when people buy cakes or make cakes then bring it to school. The children have to buy some  tickets to win the yummy cakes. Room 26 made lots of money. These are some of the pictures of the calk walk. By Rasleen.